- On the bus the day of School Sprit Day (and if you've read my post from last Spirit Day, then you'll know how much I love it) the was a group of maybe 5 sixth graders getting all excited. One girl in paticular who was on the Red Team, was wearing everything red. She was freaking out. Alot. One of her friends gave her a red face paint crayon to use, and she put the dreaded red lines under her eyes. Next she started writing "RED" on her left arm when the tip of the crayon broke. She flipped out for, like, a minute. Over a freakin' crayon! Then she proceeded to write "TEAM" after the "RED" and got all excited again when she realized it worked better that way. Then came the dreaded hairspary that another one of her buddies pulled out. Spirit Girl, as my friend calls her, popped off the top. God, no. That was bad. We'd all end up being red and smelly by the end of the bus ride. Luckily (oh so luckily), one of her other, less decked-out friends had the sense to stop her, but I'm sure she would've done it. When everyone was done ruining themselves with red and black, Spirit Girl started growling or something weird like that. Ergh, she was so spazzy it was bugging my and my homies (I'm sure my friends don't like being called 'homies' but whatever). We were watching them the whole time, but they were so into it that none of the girls noticed. And after that, me and my homies (yes I did just say "homies" again) were laughing about them, because everybody knows (well, everybody but them) that nobody actually has spirit for Spirit Day, and they would all stand out like a big red blood stain in a white room. (I just made up that similie. We are doing our poetry unit in school now)
- The next day after the Spirit Girl incident, it was the own fair day, and my friend (the one who calls her "Spirit Girl") and I voulenteered at the kiddie section to paint faces. All of the little kids were so cute, and they didn't really care if what we did actually looked good or not. (Usually not.)
- In homeroom, the Monday after the town fair thingy, my science teacher came in and started bugging me and my friend. Aparently, he tried to say hi to us whenwe were painting faces, but niether of us heard him, and he claimed that we were ignoring him. But that's not true.
- I drew a butterfly on my foot. It's true. I just randomly took off my neon tie-dye sock, took out a pen from my binder, and I drew a really nice butterfly on the bottom my foot next to my big toe. You know what time it was when I did that? No, you don't, actually. Well, unless you are my dad, because he was there. It was 1:00 in the morning. I was supposed to be doing my homework, and I just had the urge to draw a butterfly on my foot. Wow. This bullet is longer than it should be, given all I wanted to say was that I drew a butterfly on my foot.
- Have you ever seen the movie "Heavenly Kid"? I have. It's really funny. My friends and I made fun of it one night. It's about some kid that died because he drove off a cliff and his car exploded. That wasn't very smart of him, was it? No, it wasn't.
- My math teacher was giving a lesson (which she rarely does) which was about solving equations, and she was telling us how to set up a certaing kind of eqution. "If Luke is this tall," she said gesturing to how tall Luke is, "And I am twice the hieght of him, (yeah, right. he's the tallest kid in our class) then how high am I?' A few of the guys chuckled a bit, and my teacher said, "Um, maybe I shouldn't say that. How tall am I?" Everyone was laughing (including the teacher) exept for me. I didn't get it 'till a minute later, and I was all like "OH! Right. Yeah I knew that!" And I felt so stupid, although I usually do.
- My brother was talking to himself on the late bus. He was sitting behind me, and I kept turning around to see who he was talking to, but no one was there. He didn't even look at me, so I'm pretty sure he wasn't faking it. Finally I asked who he was talking to. "What? Oh, nobody." um, okey-dokey then. He didn't talk the rest of the way home.
- I made a one-eyed-one-horned-flying-purple-people-eater out of purple sparkly felt.
- A cow mooed at me.
- I needed my friend to help me tie my shoe. It wasn't one of my good moments.
- In spanish class, we spent the whole entire one-hour class going over our homework assignment from the night before. It was very painful for me, because more that half the class got everything wrong. And it was a review from last year. And the year before. They should know this stuff! It was so simple. I felt like Hermione Granger when she wasn't called on by Snape in their first year! I knew all of the answers, and I raised my hand every time, but she rarely called on me. It was sad. Too sad. Mighty sad. What a bummer! It was sad when the great ship went down... Camp song. Nevermind.
- For two whole half-hour lunch periods, my friends and I talked about The Hunger Games, including the friend that doesn't usually (EVER!) talke about books. Two of them kept arguing over whether Peeta or Gale is better. "I LOVE PEETA SO MUCH!" "RAH I HAT PEETA! GALE IS SO MUCH BETTER! PEETA IS SO STUPID!" I was indifferent between Peeta and Gale in the first book, and I was sitting in between them when they were having this heated debate. The rest of the time, we just had other smaller discussions about The Hunger Games. Did I say it was for two whole lunch periods? I felt like such a nerd, not that I'm not, but...
- Have you ever watched Coraline? Have you ever watched Coraline and wondered why it's only rated PG? I have. It's a really creepy movie. I'm not easily scared by things that aren't real, but my brother, who by th way is 12, was a bit freaked out by it. I think it shouls be rated PG13 for content that may give children 12 and under nightmares for the rest of their lives. Also, not that this has anything to do with it's creepiness, but Coraline is a really annoying kid. She almost seems bratty. But her parents are pretty boring...
- A few days ago, I was talking to one of my friends on the bus about people who have ADD. I was looking out the window at the time and I was in the middle of my sentence when I kid you not, i said "Hey look- a butterfly!" And the thing is, there really was a butterfly. It was a monarch butterfly. You know, the orange and black ones? It was funny because the squirrel gets dead. Just kidding. That was from the movie Up, if you haven't recently quoted Doug. But it's funny because we were taking about ADD and then I was distracted by a butterfly. Yeah.
- Yesterday, my dad bought a bunch of Halloween flavors of gumdrops. One of then was candy corn flavored. Yeah, I know. How can there be candy corn flavored gum drops? Well, I had to try one, and let me tell you, there isn't really such thing as candy corn flavored gum drops. The "candy corn flavored gum drops" were really cardboard flavored gum drops. Really they tasted like cardboard. That is not a hyperbole. (Look! Another thing from our poetry unit!) It was like thin cardboard in the shape of a cone-like squishy thing. If you don't believe me, buy some for yourself. They are the DOTS brand, so you can probably find them at the grocery store.
- Have you every been on the cleverbot websitle It's apparently a computer that tries to understand what you are saying an then respond accordingly. It's actually really quite funny. Here is one of my conversations:
Me: Hi.
Cleverbot: How tall are you?
Me: 5'4
Cleverbot: Nice.
Me: How is that nice?
Cleverbot: I like cats.
And here is another conversation:
Me: Have you ever read The Outsiders?
Cleverbot: No. Why?
Me: I'm writing an essay about the character Dally.
Cleverbot: Do you love cats?
And another one:
Cleverbot: Do you go to Church?
Me: Nope! Do you?
Cleverbot: Yes. Every Sunday.
Me: That's good.
Cleverbot: I smoke alot baby!
Wow. And here's the last one I'm going to put:
Cleverbot: Do you belive in God?
Me: I don't know. Do you?
Cleverbot: I believe in God, because I believe he created cats. However I've noticed that cats aren't mentioned in The Bible.
Yes, these were real conversations with Cleverbot. I guess it really likes cats...
- I feel really nerdy today. I'm wearing my glasses and my hair is greasy because I was too lazy to put in my contacts and take a shower, but I'm not too lazy to update my blog. My blog feels special.
So that was just written in the order that I remembered it, not the order it actually happened in. These are all things that happened since two weeks ago, and as I said before, ther's more that I forget.
Farewell, not-so-trusty blog readers! (Because I only know one person besides myself who regularly reads my blog.
--Some Random Kid With No Life