Sunday, August 29, 2010


I just spent a week on my next post, telling you all the interesting things that happened at camp. I think you can guess what happened by the title of this post. When I clicked "Publish Post" it responded by telling me that Blogger is sorry but cannot publish my post and to try again later. When I went back all of my work was gone! It was a really, really long one too, and I couldn't even go to "Edit Posts" to try and publish it again! I'll just tell you now that my next post will be in a little while, because I have to try to write it as good as before. I'm now determined to save it after every paragragh I write. ARGH! Now I'm not just annoyeed, I'm paranoid too!

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I'm going to camp!

Hi! There's only one hour left before I leave for sleepaway camp! I'm leaving for two weeks, and I'm getting back on the 21st I think. I still have a few things to write from before, but I never got to it because I had to pack for camp. I'll write them when I get home. Don't worry. I'm sure you weren't worried but you know how much I care? Oh right, I don't. I just wanted to write this really quick so that I would have one more post before I go to camp.

So... bye!

--Some Random Kid With No Life