Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Poetry Project

I'm back! I forgot to put this in the last post. I just wanted you to see some of my actual writing instead of my usual ranting. I decided to put up two of the poems I had to write for english. This is kind of annoying, because I can't just copy and paste them. But I'm putting them up anyways. Here we go.


Summer ends, one day in mid September,
the humid, hot air disappears, along with the earliest birds.
The day the fire starts.
The first tiny, flickering sparks will lead to the flames that engulf the whole world.

The sparks catch, and fire ignites the color in the trees.
Fire catching. Flames, trying to lap up everything their tongues can reach.
All of a sudden, everything burns,
blazing in the cool, dry air,
until no green remains.
The world is heated with glowing warm colors of fire.

But the beauty is not allowed to last forever.
As soon as everything is engulfed in flames,
red, orange, and yellow.
It dies.

The intensity of the inferno falls,
dropping color to the cold floor of the Earth.
Straggling small flames prance to the dirt.
All that remain are the embers, lying on the ground.
Fire extinguished, a cold world white and gray.
But the fire will rage agian after summer's end.

Sooo... How did yyou like it? Do you even know what it's about? It's a metaphor for something. When my mom firt read it, she thought it was about the apocolypse. Don't worry, I'm not emo, so I wouldn't write about that. But what do you think this is really about? If you are nice, you will leave a comment telling me, won't you? Yes. Yes you will.

Here is the other poem. It's my image list poem, and I didn't know what to name it. Here:

The yellow sulight filtering through the thinning foliage.
A soft brown mat of leaves have collected from years past blanketing the firm earth beneath.
Trees that seem to have gotten shorter as years go by,
are warmed by bright shades of autumn.

The mossy concrete bridge over the clear stream.
A pale green pond stretches farther than expected around the bend,
Concealed by a row of houses.

A waterfall spills over a rotting board,
Placed there long ago to keep the water in, but to no avail.
The rushing, roaring waterfall,
The giggling, gurgling stream
With large smooth stones poking through,
Shades of peach, charcoal, brown, and green
From algae that grows in the warm dappled sunlight.

With legs dangling over an edge of the ancient bridge,
The tip of the roof of a faded yellow farmhouse
Is visible over the tops of multicolored trees
That have begun preparing for winter.

So. That's my other poem. It's much more straight forward. So, again, please leave a comment on what you think the first one was about.

Now I will update in soon hopefully. Goodbye my friends.

--Some Random Kid With No Life


  1. Nice visualization for autumnal changes in foliage.

  2. Is the fire one a metaphor for autumn? or is it about having a barbecue at the end of summer? Or eating red peppers? great job! Really like the alliterations!
