Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Bacon Day!

Hello there! How are you on this glorious day? Bacon Day, you ask? Well my reply would have to be:

NOOOO! IT'S NOT BACON DAY TODAY! I COULDN'T POST THIS ON BACON DAY BECAUSE I WAS AT MY GRANDPARENT'S HOUSE! BOOHOO! Bacon Day was on September 4, but because my parents went to Nantucket fo the whole Labor Day weekend, I spent the weekend with Grammy. And I didn't even get to have bacon! So sad!

My friend got a Blog, (inspired by me, I might add) and I wish to share it with all of my followers that aren't her. (That's only 3 people, by the way. Cough, cough. Wink, wink. Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge.) At first she made fun of me for having a blog. That made me sad. Just kidding! But, seriously. Not really! Hehe, am I messing with you? Yeah I bet I am. Well, now she has admitted that blogging is actually pretty fun (which it is). I guess I should probably ask her if I can put the link to her blog, or the name of it, I guess, before I put it on here. I was just so excited when she sasid she got a blog, that I had to put it on here... And Hi! fellow blogger friend! You know I love you!

Gotta go, kids! Stay tuned for the next episode (or update) of This Blog Isn't Actually About Dancing Bananas! And really, it'll make me happy if you leave a comment or follow my blog. I really really will.

--Some Random Kid With No Life

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