Thursday, June 10, 2010

School Spirit! (or not)

Today we had a field day for my middle school. Oh joy. It was supposed to be some spirit thing, where there are three teams, (red, white, and black- our school colors) and we all have to wear our color. I was put on the black team, but I don't actually have any black shirts, and I just got rid of my only black sweatshirt. But my friend, who's dresses goth, had no problem. Maybe I should've borrowed one of her shirts. Actually, today, she wore her only non-black shirt, which I thought was kinda funny.

Anyway, I wore a peach shirt and a white sweatshirt, so alot of people thought I was on the white team. When we were getting into our groups, I couldn't find my group leader. There were 10 groups on each color team, and each group had a sign with the number on it. I was wandering around the fields, looking for group 10, my group, but it wasn't anywhere around where it was supposed to be. I saw my friends who were on the white team, and they tried to get me into their group, but another guy from my homeroom was in my group too, and we were looking together, so I couldn't. The principle was walking around too and he asked us if we needed help finding our group. He checked hi list for group 10, but said that he couldn't find it. We wandered around some more for another few minutes and came to the back of the field where the groups WEREN'T supposed to be, but we checked anyway. And, you guessed it (I think), group 10 was there. Urgh. I was really annoyed right then. I still have no freaking idea why, since the principle said we had to be on one of the front fields.

We played some really boring games, and waited for other groups to finish their games. The black team lost most of the games, so it didn't really boost the school spirit, at least not onour team. We sort of gave up a bit less than halfway. We also had the least people with our color shirts. Oops. Nobody is ever with their friends, so it's never fun. They also mix the grades, and a teacher was assigned to each group, and I got this really mean eighth grade teacher, while my sixth grade brother was put in the group with my awesome science teacher. I'm jealous.

Well, this was basically just to say how much our school spirit sucks. So, bye, I guess.


--Some Random Kid With No Life

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