Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Poetry Project

I'm back! I forgot to put this in the last post. I just wanted you to see some of my actual writing instead of my usual ranting. I decided to put up two of the poems I had to write for english. This is kind of annoying, because I can't just copy and paste them. But I'm putting them up anyways. Here we go.


Summer ends, one day in mid September,
the humid, hot air disappears, along with the earliest birds.
The day the fire starts.
The first tiny, flickering sparks will lead to the flames that engulf the whole world.

The sparks catch, and fire ignites the color in the trees.
Fire catching. Flames, trying to lap up everything their tongues can reach.
All of a sudden, everything burns,
blazing in the cool, dry air,
until no green remains.
The world is heated with glowing warm colors of fire.

But the beauty is not allowed to last forever.
As soon as everything is engulfed in flames,
red, orange, and yellow.
It dies.

The intensity of the inferno falls,
dropping color to the cold floor of the Earth.
Straggling small flames prance to the dirt.
All that remain are the embers, lying on the ground.
Fire extinguished, a cold world white and gray.
But the fire will rage agian after summer's end.

Sooo... How did yyou like it? Do you even know what it's about? It's a metaphor for something. When my mom firt read it, she thought it was about the apocolypse. Don't worry, I'm not emo, so I wouldn't write about that. But what do you think this is really about? If you are nice, you will leave a comment telling me, won't you? Yes. Yes you will.

Here is the other poem. It's my image list poem, and I didn't know what to name it. Here:

The yellow sulight filtering through the thinning foliage.
A soft brown mat of leaves have collected from years past blanketing the firm earth beneath.
Trees that seem to have gotten shorter as years go by,
are warmed by bright shades of autumn.

The mossy concrete bridge over the clear stream.
A pale green pond stretches farther than expected around the bend,
Concealed by a row of houses.

A waterfall spills over a rotting board,
Placed there long ago to keep the water in, but to no avail.
The rushing, roaring waterfall,
The giggling, gurgling stream
With large smooth stones poking through,
Shades of peach, charcoal, brown, and green
From algae that grows in the warm dappled sunlight.

With legs dangling over an edge of the ancient bridge,
The tip of the roof of a faded yellow farmhouse
Is visible over the tops of multicolored trees
That have begun preparing for winter.

So. That's my other poem. It's much more straight forward. So, again, please leave a comment on what you think the first one was about.

Now I will update in soon hopefully. Goodbye my friends.

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Never Dip Cheese Flavored Rice Cakes In Hot Chocolate.

Hello. I am ashamed that I haven't been updating. It's been more than a month! I've ust had way too much school work to have time. 3 Honors classes plus one higher-level Spanish class is pretty hard to manage normally. I haven't gotten more than 6 or 7 hours of sleep for the past month (excluding weekends)! Yes, sometimes life does suck. Sometimes not so much. These past weeks it has sucked. Except for anything not school related. That doesn't suck.

I'm hungry. But do you wanna know what I'm not going to eat? Yes you do want to know. Well I'm not going to tell you. Just kidding! I am not going to eat cheese flavored rice cakes dipped in hot chocolate. I've had that before (by accident) and it was terrible. Don't try it.

I even missed Halloween! It's really sad that I missed it bbecause I have a very intriguing time this year. I just used my Cheshire Cat costume from the skit I was in over the summer, because my mom told me that I couldn't make a new costume because of all my homework. She's right though. But anyways, my costume was still pretty good. One of my friends was a guy (she's a girl) and at first nobody (beides me) recognized her. Another one of my friends was a little kid and she wore those pajamas with the feet, and she was actually warm (lucky). Nobody was anything crazy like last year. Last year I was a hedgehog and my costume kicked bum. That sounds funny. "Kicked bum."

So, there is this HUGE white mansion down the street from where my friend (who dressed as a boy and who has a blog of her own) and I live. After trick-or-treating with our friends, we thought we'd go there to see if the rumors were true. Here are all the rumors we've heard about this house:
  • A single old man lives there alone.
  • The sinlge old man has around 40 cats.
  • Each of his cats has it's own room.
  • For Halloween, he gives out $50 bills or a whole pack of king sized candy bars.
  • He has maids and butlers that do everything for him.

So I think you understand why we'd want to go there, am I right? Well we went. We walked to the front door, and we were about to ring the doorbell, when we realized that there was no doorbell. That seems pretty anti-social, doesn't it? Yeah, I think so. We knocked (well my brother and his friend knocked) on the door loud enough for him to hear us (or at least his cats). No response. I looked in through the skinny windows on either side of the door. There was a huge spiral staircase going up, and there were display lights shining on the staircase. I bet you want to know what the lights were displaying. Cats. Well, stuffed cats, but still cats. It was the scariest moment of my life. Not that I live a fearful life, but still. OMQ, it was so weird. The first cat I saw was a fluffy pink one with very pointy ears. And there was one on each step, all different. He must be a lonely man.

The guy never came, so I can't confirm any of the legends. But that's really sad, isn't it? I told this story to my whole table in Social Studies, and they thought it was the strangest thing. They were pretty much yelling in class, because it was so abnormal. We decided to name the cat man. One girl came up with the name Willis. We joked around with the name Willis for awhile, but then they all said that the name wasn't good enough. We kept suggesting names until Arthur came up (that was me, by the way) and Arthur was the winning name. Arthur the cat man. Yeah. I told them this the monday after Halloween, and we haven't gone a whole class yet without mentioning this guy. It's pretty funny actually.

A couple of weeks ago in Homeroom, we were saying the Pledge of Allegiance like we always do. I glanced at one of my friends who sits at my table, and immediatly, I announced, "Your nose is green." It was really quiet, and I'm pretty sure that there were a bunch of kids looking at me, not that I care. Her nose was GREEN! She just kina glared at me (in a joking sorta way) because she thought I just said that to be random (which by the way, I didn't). When homeroom was over, we went to her locker and she looked in the mirror. She made a very surprised face, and started trying to rub whatever the green stuff was, off. It came off pretty easily, although we still wonder what it was and how it got there.

Also, if you haven't already read it, I am in the process of writing a story thing. I put it on the website, Quizilla, so I'll put the link on here in case you haven't read it. This is only the first chapter, and I'm trying to figure out how to get another chapter up there. Quizilla isn't very well organized for people trying to post things, so it's not easy. Anyway, here's the link:

I'm really excited for the new Harry Potter 7 Part 1 that's coming out at midnight (not that I'll actually be going to the premiere). I just can't wait! But I hope they don't leave parts out like they've been doing for all the movies besides the first one. Even if they do leave parts out, the movie will proably still be good like all the other ones.

And while I'm on the topic of Harry Potter (collective groan from all of my friends), I just wanted to tell any of you darling people that I really think that you should watch A Very Potter Musical by Starkid Potter. It's a real musical about Harry Potter stuff. Except for that it's really funny. My favorite character in it is Draco Malfoy, but you already knew that. I don't really have to explain any more, because the only people who read this are my friends, and they're pretty annoyed with all of my totally awesome Starkid references. (Did you catch that one?)

I don't think I have anything else to say at the moment, so... I'll try to update soon. Like, before the month is up. So, I guess I'll see you (most of you) soon!


--Some Random Kid With No Life

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fun/Good/Interesting Times

There have been many moments in the past two weeks where I have thought "OMQ! I HAVE to put that on my blog!" (OMQ is and inside joke, not a typo.) But alas, (did I just say, or type, alas?) I do not remember all of them. So here are all of the things that I do remember:
  • On the bus the day of School Sprit Day (and if you've read my post from last Spirit Day, then you'll know how much I love it) the was a group of maybe 5 sixth graders getting all excited. One girl in paticular who was on the Red Team, was wearing everything red. She was freaking out. Alot. One of her friends gave her a red face paint crayon to use, and she put the dreaded red lines under her eyes. Next she started writing "RED" on her left arm when the tip of the crayon broke. She flipped out for, like, a minute. Over a freakin' crayon! Then she proceeded to write "TEAM" after the "RED" and got all excited again when she realized it worked better that way. Then came the dreaded hairspary that another one of her buddies pulled out. Spirit Girl, as my friend calls her, popped off the top. God, no. That was bad. We'd all end up being red and smelly by the end of the bus ride. Luckily (oh so luckily), one of her other, less decked-out friends had the sense to stop her, but I'm sure she would've done it. When everyone was done ruining themselves with red and black, Spirit Girl started growling or something weird like that. Ergh, she was so spazzy it was bugging my and my homies (I'm sure my friends don't like being called 'homies' but whatever). We were watching them the whole time, but they were so into it that none of the girls noticed. And after that, me and my homies (yes I did just say "homies" again) were laughing about them, because everybody knows (well, everybody but them) that nobody actually has spirit for Spirit Day, and they would all stand out like a big red blood stain in a white room. (I just made up that similie. We are doing our poetry unit in school now)
  • The next day after the Spirit Girl incident, it was the own fair day, and my friend (the one who calls her "Spirit Girl") and I voulenteered at the kiddie section to paint faces. All of the little kids were so cute, and they didn't really care if what we did actually looked good or not. (Usually not.)
  • In homeroom, the Monday after the town fair thingy, my science teacher came in and started bugging me and my friend. Aparently, he tried to say hi to us whenwe were painting faces, but niether of us heard him, and he claimed that we were ignoring him. But that's not true.
  • I drew a butterfly on my foot. It's true. I just randomly took off my neon tie-dye sock, took out a pen from my binder, and I drew a really nice butterfly on the bottom my foot next to my big toe. You know what time it was when I did that? No, you don't, actually. Well, unless you are my dad, because he was there. It was 1:00 in the morning. I was supposed to be doing my homework, and I just had the urge to draw a butterfly on my foot. Wow. This bullet is longer than it should be, given all I wanted to say was that I drew a butterfly on my foot.
  • Have you ever seen the movie "Heavenly Kid"? I have. It's really funny. My friends and I made fun of it one night. It's about some kid that died because he drove off a cliff and his car exploded. That wasn't very smart of him, was it? No, it wasn't.
  • My math teacher was giving a lesson (which she rarely does) which was about solving equations, and she was telling us how to set up a certaing kind of eqution. "If Luke is this tall," she said gesturing to how tall Luke is, "And I am twice the hieght of him, (yeah, right. he's the tallest kid in our class) then how high am I?' A few of the guys chuckled a bit, and my teacher said, "Um, maybe I shouldn't say that. How tall am I?" Everyone was laughing (including the teacher) exept for me. I didn't get it 'till a minute later, and I was all like "OH! Right. Yeah I knew that!" And I felt so stupid, although I usually do.
  • My brother was talking to himself on the late bus. He was sitting behind me, and I kept turning around to see who he was talking to, but no one was there. He didn't even look at me, so I'm pretty sure he wasn't faking it. Finally I asked who he was talking to. "What? Oh, nobody." um, okey-dokey then. He didn't talk the rest of the way home.
  • I made a one-eyed-one-horned-flying-purple-people-eater out of purple sparkly felt.
  • A cow mooed at me.
  • I needed my friend to help me tie my shoe. It wasn't one of my good moments.
  • In spanish class, we spent the whole entire one-hour class going over our homework assignment from the night before. It was very painful for me, because more that half the class got everything wrong. And it was a review from last year. And the year before. They should know this stuff! It was so simple. I felt like Hermione Granger when she wasn't called on by Snape in their first year! I knew all of the answers, and I raised my hand every time, but she rarely called on me. It was sad. Too sad. Mighty sad. What a bummer! It was sad when the great ship went down... Camp song. Nevermind.
  • For two whole half-hour lunch periods, my friends and I talked about The Hunger Games, including the friend that doesn't usually (EVER!) talke about books. Two of them kept arguing over whether Peeta or Gale is better. "I LOVE PEETA SO MUCH!" "RAH I HAT PEETA! GALE IS SO MUCH BETTER! PEETA IS SO STUPID!" I was indifferent between Peeta and Gale in the first book, and I was sitting in between them when they were having this heated debate. The rest of the time, we just had other smaller discussions about The Hunger Games. Did I say it was for two whole lunch periods? I felt like such a nerd, not that I'm not, but...
  • Have you ever watched Coraline? Have you ever watched Coraline and wondered why it's only rated PG? I have. It's a really creepy movie. I'm not easily scared by things that aren't real, but my brother, who by th way is 12, was a bit freaked out by it. I think it shouls be rated PG13 for content that may give children 12 and under nightmares for the rest of their lives. Also, not that this has anything to do with it's creepiness, but Coraline is a really annoying kid. She almost seems bratty. But her parents are pretty boring...
  • A few days ago, I was talking to one of my friends on the bus about people who have ADD. I was looking out the window at the time and I was in the middle of my sentence when I kid you not, i said "Hey look- a butterfly!" And the thing is, there really was a butterfly. It was a monarch butterfly. You know, the orange and black ones? It was funny because the squirrel gets dead. Just kidding. That was from the movie Up, if you haven't recently quoted Doug. But it's funny because we were taking about ADD and then I was distracted by a butterfly. Yeah.
  • Yesterday, my dad bought a bunch of Halloween flavors of gumdrops. One of then was candy corn flavored. Yeah, I know. How can there be candy corn flavored gum drops? Well, I had to try one, and let me tell you, there isn't really such thing as candy corn flavored gum drops. The "candy corn flavored gum drops" were really cardboard flavored gum drops. Really they tasted like cardboard. That is not a hyperbole. (Look! Another thing from our poetry unit!) It was like thin cardboard in the shape of a cone-like squishy thing. If you don't believe me, buy some for yourself. They are the DOTS brand, so you can probably find them at the grocery store.
  • Have you every been on the cleverbot websitle It's apparently a computer that tries to understand what you are saying an then respond accordingly. It's actually really quite funny. Here is one of my conversations:

Me: Hi.

Cleverbot: How tall are you?

Me: 5'4

Cleverbot: Nice.

Me: How is that nice?

Cleverbot: I like cats.

And here is another conversation:

Me: Have you ever read The Outsiders?

Cleverbot: No. Why?

Me: I'm writing an essay about the character Dally.

Cleverbot: Do you love cats?

And another one:

Cleverbot: Do you go to Church?

Me: Nope! Do you?

Cleverbot: Yes. Every Sunday.

Me: That's good.

Cleverbot: I smoke alot baby!

Wow. And here's the last one I'm going to put:

Cleverbot: Do you belive in God?

Me: I don't know. Do you?

Cleverbot: I believe in God, because I believe he created cats. However I've noticed that cats aren't mentioned in The Bible.

Yes, these were real conversations with Cleverbot. I guess it really likes cats...

  • I feel really nerdy today. I'm wearing my glasses and my hair is greasy because I was too lazy to put in my contacts and take a shower, but I'm not too lazy to update my blog. My blog feels special.

So that was just written in the order that I remembered it, not the order it actually happened in. These are all things that happened since two weeks ago, and as I said before, ther's more that I forget.

Farewell, not-so-trusty blog readers! (Because I only know one person besides myself who regularly reads my blog.


--Some Random Kid With No Life

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Picture Day... DUN, DUN, DUHH... I Mean, Huzzah! (Psh! Yeah Right.)

Okay, so, picture day was last week, as you can probably tell by the title of this post. I haven't been able to post things on here as often as I like to because I've been pretty swamped with homework. Well here's my story about picture day.

My name was called, and the old guy with tall hair told me to sit down on the stool. "No the other stool. Not that one!" What? There were three stools there, and he told me to sit in "the stool." That's not vague. (Note: sarcasm.) When I was sitting on the stool he wanted me on, he picked up a comb and started combing my hai that I had just fixed a minute ago. "Is it alright if I just fix your hair a bit?" Well, considering you've already messed it up, I can't do anything to stop you. Maybe that was part of his ingenious plan to make my picture turn out bad. Then he told me to put my right hand on my opposite knee. I did. "No not that knee, the other one." Well, I only have one opposite knee. I switched it, then he told me to put my hand back where it was before. Alrighty then. He retreated to his hunched position behind his camera. "Smile!" Like I wasn't already. I'm not dumb. I know I have to smile for pictures. He was about to take the picture when he told me to lift my chin, so I did. Then he came over and moved my face how he wanted it, which was no different than before. Don't touch me! It was completely unnecessary, too! He went back to the camera and snapped a few pictures in a row. Phew. It was over. Sadly, that's what happens every year, to most people.

Last year my picture turned out okay, but my head was tilted more that a little. It's sad to think that last year's picture was the best school picture ever taken of me. The people who run it at our school, obviously want our pictures to turn out bad, because one year, they made my friend tilt her head so much, she looked like a confused puppy. You know, how they cock their heads like that? No? Whatever.

Also, a couple of weeks ago, I had a strange flashback from when I was 4. It wasn't even relevant. I was in the car coming home from daycare. I remember asking my mom if my cat was going to die soon, because she was old. My mom's answer was somehing along the lines of "I hope not." I was sad that maybe my cat would die, but I was kind of happy because then we could maybe get a new kitty. I was little remember? That's how little kids think. At least hat's how I thought. Maybe I was just a messed up little kid. Maybe I'm still a messed up kid. I don't know, so don't judge me!

Well, the next day, it the car after daycare, my mom told me my cat died. She did die. Creepy. It was only the day after that, too. I told my friends that, and they all thought it was weird but funny and scary. One person said that I cursed my cat with death. I didn't realize it was weird when I was 4, but I forgot that that had happened the day before she died, and now it kinda freaks me out. How 'bout you?

And my friend said that I could put the link to her blog on here, so if you want to read it, here it is: Did you notice the name of it? Some Kid With A Bunny Named Marmaduke. Hmmm. That sound kinda familiar. onder where I heard that before... I don't know, I can't think of it.

I'm still working on my blog post about my summer camp, but it's taking longer than befoer, and it's still not as good. And I'm still paranoid about saving what I write about, and I kid you not, every sentence I type.

I'm pretty sure that I wanted to tell you something else, but I can't seem to remember right now... So bye, I guess. I promise I will eventually get my summer activities up here, don't worry. Adios, amigos y extranos (strangers, if you don't take spanish)!

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Bacon Day!

Hello there! How are you on this glorious day? Bacon Day, you ask? Well my reply would have to be:

NOOOO! IT'S NOT BACON DAY TODAY! I COULDN'T POST THIS ON BACON DAY BECAUSE I WAS AT MY GRANDPARENT'S HOUSE! BOOHOO! Bacon Day was on September 4, but because my parents went to Nantucket fo the whole Labor Day weekend, I spent the weekend with Grammy. And I didn't even get to have bacon! So sad!

My friend got a Blog, (inspired by me, I might add) and I wish to share it with all of my followers that aren't her. (That's only 3 people, by the way. Cough, cough. Wink, wink. Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge.) At first she made fun of me for having a blog. That made me sad. Just kidding! But, seriously. Not really! Hehe, am I messing with you? Yeah I bet I am. Well, now she has admitted that blogging is actually pretty fun (which it is). I guess I should probably ask her if I can put the link to her blog, or the name of it, I guess, before I put it on here. I was just so excited when she sasid she got a blog, that I had to put it on here... And Hi! fellow blogger friend! You know I love you!

Gotta go, kids! Stay tuned for the next episode (or update) of This Blog Isn't Actually About Dancing Bananas! And really, it'll make me happy if you leave a comment or follow my blog. I really really will.

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Friday, September 3, 2010

Brown. (Like, Really. The Color.)

I'm really bored right now, so I think I'll just kinda rant, or whatever you want to call it, about the color brown:

Brown is a seriously missunderstood color. First of all, whenever somebody says 'brown,' there's always one person who automatically thinks 'the color of poop.' Well guess what? It's true! But it's the color of alot of nice things too. Leaves in the fall. Pinecones. :) Chocolate (and I've only known 3 people in my whole life who don't like chocolate). Many types of nice wood. Similarly, tree trunks. Alot of animals are brown. Alot of different foods are brown. I think you get the point.
Brown, in my opinion, also symbolizes cozy warmth. Kind of homey, and welcoming, if you know what I mean. And the color is pretty neutral. The only colors it doesn't go well with are orange and dark colors, but thats just because dark colors wouldn't show up as well. Most light shades go very well with brown. There was definetly something else I wanted to put on here, but I'm drawing a blank. Whatever.

Adios Amigos!

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

PS! (Kinda)

Follow my Blog! Only two people have so far (thank you!) and it's making me sad. If you really don't want to, then will you at least leave a comment on something? It'll make me happy if you just do either. I want to know if it's good or not, so I guess a comment would be more helpful... Yeah so BYE!

--Some Random Kid With No Life

School. Meh. And Some Weird Little Fox.

My cruel parents have forced me to go back to school. We started yesterday, and I'm already looking forward to the last day. It's not like I dislike my teachers, It's just that school is work, and I'm sometimes (well, most of the time, actually) too lazy to do work. Today was 96 degrees outside, and the eighth grade wing which is upstairs (and heat rises you know) was even hotter. The only exception was English class, but that's because my teacher is pregnant and kind of should have an air conditioner for the hot days.

In Science today our teacher introduced himself by pouring alcohol on one of the tables and lighting it with a match. Yes, that is a true story. The blue flames spread quickly over all of the alcohol-covered surface, but only for 20 seconds, maybe. It died down, and he wiped the rest of the alcohol up with a paper towel. He then went on to explain that the tabletops are completly fire-proof. The kid who sits across from me smiled a very mischevious, evil-ish, and even joyful grin at me. I am going to have to do labs with him. He's never been the coordinated, well behaved student, and I've never really trusted him. I am now very scared.

Earlier tonight, there was a fox in my yard. I watched it from the bathroom window upstairs. I believe it had a squirrel in it's mouth, and was playing with it. Unlike many things that I've read, this fox was playing quite a bit with it's food. Not at all stealthy, slinky, or sly, like people always use as similies. "Sly as a fox." I promise I won't ever use that one again, because this thing was basically prancing! It was running around in the same area for a while, and every 5 or so seconds, it would sit down and get back up again. It would run in and out of the trees! It frolicked in the... moss! I believe that it was only mostly a fox, because of it's appearence, and partly excited, spazzy kitten.

I have some more things to say, but they are all even less relevent that the fox sory, so I think I'll put them in another post on another day. Bye then.

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Sunday, August 29, 2010


I just spent a week on my next post, telling you all the interesting things that happened at camp. I think you can guess what happened by the title of this post. When I clicked "Publish Post" it responded by telling me that Blogger is sorry but cannot publish my post and to try again later. When I went back all of my work was gone! It was a really, really long one too, and I couldn't even go to "Edit Posts" to try and publish it again! I'll just tell you now that my next post will be in a little while, because I have to try to write it as good as before. I'm now determined to save it after every paragragh I write. ARGH! Now I'm not just annoyeed, I'm paranoid too!

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I'm going to camp!

Hi! There's only one hour left before I leave for sleepaway camp! I'm leaving for two weeks, and I'm getting back on the 21st I think. I still have a few things to write from before, but I never got to it because I had to pack for camp. I'll write them when I get home. Don't worry. I'm sure you weren't worried but you know how much I care? Oh right, I don't. I just wanted to write this really quick so that I would have one more post before I go to camp.

So... bye!

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

They're Trying To Kill Off The Dumb Americans! How... Friendly?

Has anyone heard the commercial on the radio for the Grilled Cheese Burger Melt from Friendly's? If not, it's basically a burger stuffed between 2 grilled cheese sandwiches. TWO! Sound good to you? I don't see how people can even imagine eating that much, let alone actually doing it. If I had a weak stomach, I'm guessing I'd get naseous just thinking about eating that much fatty food (but I just don't get naseous, so I guess I'm lucky). But really, WHO NEEDS THAT MUCH FOOD? I don't think that Friendly's is being very considerate of all of the people stupid enough to buy something that big and eat it in one meal.

Okay, so now I'm going to get a bit more sciency/nerdy/geeky (whatever you want to say, your preference), but it's really quite gross, and I think that maybe you should know what you're really eating. So, the Grilled Cheese Burger Melt has 1500 calories. Yeah, I know. It's just too much. That's how many calories the My Pyramid website said that kids my age need in ONE WHOLE DAY! (And that's NOT what I do in my free time if you were wondering. It was for a Health class project near the end of the year.) A bit excessive, don't you think? Plus it has 97 grams of fat. Yes, it is very close to 100! Good job noticing! Almost 100 grams of fat. Just...just wow. I'm mostly writing this because it maddens me that nobody is trying to stop the obesity that is practically killing our country, and that they're only contributing to it. (Sorry, I tend to think of bigger words when I'm ranting, even if it's just typing.)

And this is just one of many examples of things like this that lead to obesity. So, just keep this in mind okay? Thanks, bye!

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Love Acting

So. During the week after the Sugarless Sugar Cookies Incident (hehe, I gave it a name), I was in a play. Everyday I went to the acting center that I go to, and we worked on the play. It was only a week of work, but it still turned out great. It was an Agatha Christie play called A Murder is Announced. I think that you've probably already guessed that it's a murder mystery, even if you didn't know Agatha Christie, but if you didn't guess then it's a murder mystery. I played the part of Bunny, some old women who is best friends with the murderer. And you know what's epic? (I don't usually use that word, but that was the only word that came to mind when I was typing this.) I DIED. ON STAGE. FRONT AND CENTER. WHILE EATING CAKE. THE CAKE TASTED LIKE MUFFINS. See? You have to admit that it is pretty epic. The cake wasn't poisoned, it was the asprins that I took right before I ate the cake that were poisoned. I had a ot of fun dying that week. It was amazing.

The next two weeks after Agatha Christie, I was in another play! But this one was a musical. It was a bunch of different scenes and songs from different animated Disney movies, and each group had their own scene and song. My group's scene was from Alice in Wonderland, and our song was A Very Merry Unbirthday To You! I played the Cheshire Cat! Yay! Sketchy Purple Ninja Cat! I have a super creepy smile that everyone loved. Two of my friends were Teedle Dee
and Tweede Dum, and their costumes were really funny! Most of my friends and I also had solos in the son Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas, which sounded really good when we were done with it.

Wow. I did 3 straight weeks of acting. But I won't be able to do anymore this summer. Sadness. Yeah, I guess that I just wanted to share my acting experience from this summer. So bye for now!

--Some Random Kid With No Life

He's Back! He's Back! (No, not Voldemort, although that would be cool)

So, my little brother (well, I guess he's not that little, only a year and a half younger than me) is back from his week at camp. So I'm going to add or take some away from the lists:
  • I didn't get to wake up later. Sadness.
  • And to add to CONS, actually I don't have anything to add to CONS only to subtract from PROS which I just said

Yeah, so I guess the list didn't really change much by the end of the week. Whatever.

Ooh! I changed a bunch of stuff on the blog, so now it looks way better! Yay! I'm going to put another post right after this one because it's completely unrelated to this, so I don't have to say good bye this time!


--Some Random Kid With No Life

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Brother's Gone!

So my little brother was dropped off at camp yesterday. He'll be gone for a week, so it'll be pretty quiet for a while. Now it's just my parents and me (plus my hedgehog and my cat, but you know what?). Yeah, so I decided to write a list of pros and cons to see if it's a good thing or a bad thing that he's gone, for me anyways.

  • Silence
  • Easier to get ready in the morning
  • I can sleep later
  • He's not here to annoy me
  • I won't be as easily interrupted
  • I'll be able to do stuff on my own
  • I have more say in what's for dinner
  • I'm sure there are more PROS, but I'm too lazy to think right now


  • Not as many people to talk to
  • I will get bored (although I have to say, I'm pretty good at keeping myself busy without eating the whole time)
  • Nobody for me to annoy
  • I'm sure there are at least a couple more CONS, but again, I'm too lazy to think right now

So it seems that it's good that my brother's gone or at least I kind of get a little break. Hmmm. What do you think? Not that it really matters, 'cause you're probably not going to answer. Ta ta for now!


--Some Random Kid With No Life

Monday, July 12, 2010

Re: Sugar Cookies!

So, I kinda ended that last post short. I just wanted it to be dramatic. Here's the aftermath of what happened:

Well remember my friend that tried the cookies with me? Of course you do! And if you don't it's in the blog post below this one- duh! So she tried putting some sugar on top of the cookie to try and make up for the lack of it in the cookie itself. Well, it tasted better, according to her, but it still tasted like a dog treat. I didn't even want to try it.

My counseler told us to offer the cookies to other counselers around the camp and pretend we tried really hard to make them and we thought that they were great. Because they can't say that the cookies are bad because that's just plain rude. So we gave them to people and watched them make interesting faces then complement our cooking. It was wicked funny and definetly worth it!

So you know that kid that screwed up the recipe? Again, see the blog post below if you don't. Well, when he got back to the cafeteria where we were trying the cookies, I told him that we saved the biggest piece for him because he helped most with the cooking. And the cookie was bigger than the palm of my hand. So we gave it to him and he bit in greedily. And I almost died from lack of oxygen from laughing. The look on his face was so funny! And we, my friend and I, made him eat the whole thing! I almost felt bad for him. But it was him who ruined the cookies. And when we told him his "little mistake", he tried to make up a whole bunch of excuses for why it wasn't his fault and why he shouldn't have to eat the whole cookie. Sigh... Good times, good times.

The only bad thing was that my friend got a stomachache after eating the cookies. Poor her. It's believable though; they were really that bad.

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sugar Cookies!

Today at camp, for an activity, we were going to make sugar cookies from scratch! Only four people signed up: my friend, two other guys, and I. One of the guys was in charge of the recipe and measuring. The rest of us just put everything in and mixed it. The only thing I actually got to do was put in 1 cup of flour, which kinda stunk, but whatever. The counseler put the cookies in the oven and we hung out until they were done cooling.
When they were done, the counseler told my friend and me to try one to make sure it was cooked all the way through. he cookies really did smell amazing. The whole camp smelled good from it, actually. I tried it. It was the worst cookie I've ever had. (That's probably because cookies aren't supposed to be bad). The counseler asked us how the sugar cookies were. I told her to try it. She made a twisted face, most likely the same expression I was wearing, along with my friend. She told another counseler to try it and he said it was worse than playdough. It was. It tasted like dog biscuits. Not that I'd know. And you know what the kid in charge of the recipe forgot? It's pretty ironic.

He forgot to add the sugar to the sugar cookies.

Yep! That's it for today! Bye!

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Yesterday, my family went to this restaurant that's part of Jordan's Furniture. At the table next to us, this guy who was probably 4 or 5 years older than me, (somewhere in high school) was sitting with this other girl who was probably his girlfriend. The only reason I noticed him was because he was staring at our table. You know that feeling when you can just tell that someone is staring at you? That's what I felt and I looked over. And he was staring at me. It was wicked creepy. Super creepy. And also when we finished eating, we got ice cream and sat down somewhere. He was there, sitting next to us, again. And yep he was staring at me, again. I tried to ignore him and enjoy myself, but it was too hard, almost impossible.

We also went to the beach yesterday, but the water was cold. And when I say cold I mean cold cold. It was like the water had been swirling around the polar ice caps recently, which it could've been actually. It hurt my feet just standing there for less than a minute. But I went in anyway which was almost suicidal. The beach was really crowded, but guess how many other people there were in the water (besides my brother and I)? That's right- 0. But we both went swimming which was actually pretty stupid. After about 5 minutes in the water, I got out and realized that my hands turned blue besides my fingers which were white. I would've gotten out of the ocean sooner if I had realized sooner which I didn't because my hands lost their sense of feeling. After I got out, my hands didn't turn completely normal until about 45 minutes later. In between that I got pins and needles, then numbness, then soreness, then normal. So basically, don't go swimming in water that feels pretty cold. Especially if you're skinny, because if you don't have enough fat to keep you warm and bad things might happen.
Yep, so bye!

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Yesterday, I met a bunch of friends at the carnival that comes to our town at the same time every year. We all had a blast. It was bracelet night, so you could buy a bracelet for $20 and go on any ride as many times as you want until the place closed at 10:00 pm. We went on all the fun rides twice, and we also went on some interesting little kid rides. Like the train that goes around in a circle twice and then you get off. I didn't see what was so great about that one though.

There was one ride that was closed though. It was still being put up, so nobody could go on it, obviously. It's called the Zipper, if you've ever heard of it. One of my friends had been so excited about going on, because I told her about it before. She was really disappointed when they said it wouldn't be finished yesterday. So was just about everyone else who liked the ride last year, or is daring enough to try.

Also, just one more negative thing for today (I think), I now realize why the Chinese used to use water dripping on your forehead as a torture device. When I went on the Dragon Wagon ride (the mini rollercoaster thing for kids) with 3 of my friends, water kept dripping on me. It hadn't even rained recently. I just was sitting there, and about every 5 seconds it would drip on my arm or my head. I pushed my friend over as much as I could, and I was still dripped on. We were sitting there for 6 or 7 minutes too, and I screamed because it was just so freaking irritating! When the ride started, I was relieved. But there was no point in being relieved, because every single time we went around it dripped on me. I'm not even exaggerating. I'm pretty sure I was overreacting, but every time it dripped, I spazzed out. The little 5-year-old-looking girl sitting behind me was staring at me. Hehe, oops.


--Some Random Kid With No Life

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


YAY! School ended yesterday and I'm so happy! Seventh grade has gone by the slowest so far (just in school).
I kinda think that it's stupid that the last day was a half day on a Monday. It's pretty pointless. Also, in Social Studies, we had to do work. Work. On the last day of school. How cruel can you teachers get? I'll answer for you: pretty damn cruel. I'm still really happy that school's over.

For my hedgehogs vs porcupines compare and contrast I got 103%! (I got 3 extra points for turning it in on time because pretty much everyone forgets.) Alot of the essays I had to write this year where I could choose the topic were about hedgehogs and my english teacher commented about that. She thinks I'm trying to be funny, but I just write about what I want to write about.

Yeah, so bye!

--Some Random Kid With No Life

Thursday, June 10, 2010

School Spirit! (or not)

Today we had a field day for my middle school. Oh joy. It was supposed to be some spirit thing, where there are three teams, (red, white, and black- our school colors) and we all have to wear our color. I was put on the black team, but I don't actually have any black shirts, and I just got rid of my only black sweatshirt. But my friend, who's dresses goth, had no problem. Maybe I should've borrowed one of her shirts. Actually, today, she wore her only non-black shirt, which I thought was kinda funny.

Anyway, I wore a peach shirt and a white sweatshirt, so alot of people thought I was on the white team. When we were getting into our groups, I couldn't find my group leader. There were 10 groups on each color team, and each group had a sign with the number on it. I was wandering around the fields, looking for group 10, my group, but it wasn't anywhere around where it was supposed to be. I saw my friends who were on the white team, and they tried to get me into their group, but another guy from my homeroom was in my group too, and we were looking together, so I couldn't. The principle was walking around too and he asked us if we needed help finding our group. He checked hi list for group 10, but said that he couldn't find it. We wandered around some more for another few minutes and came to the back of the field where the groups WEREN'T supposed to be, but we checked anyway. And, you guessed it (I think), group 10 was there. Urgh. I was really annoyed right then. I still have no freaking idea why, since the principle said we had to be on one of the front fields.

We played some really boring games, and waited for other groups to finish their games. The black team lost most of the games, so it didn't really boost the school spirit, at least not onour team. We sort of gave up a bit less than halfway. We also had the least people with our color shirts. Oops. Nobody is ever with their friends, so it's never fun. They also mix the grades, and a teacher was assigned to each group, and I got this really mean eighth grade teacher, while my sixth grade brother was put in the group with my awesome science teacher. I'm jealous.

Well, this was basically just to say how much our school spirit sucks. So, bye, I guess.


--Some Random Kid With No Life

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hedgehogs vs Porcupines

I had to write a compare and contrast essay in English class a couple days ago. I chose to write about hedgehogs and porcupines, because alot of people mix them up. Just so you know, hedgehogs are WAY better, even though porcupines sleep in trees and can cause more pain. Hedgehogs are so much cuter though. Especially my hedgehog. Her name is Mocha. Her running wheel kept squeaking, though, and it kept me up all last night... Well this is not really about domestic pet hedgehogs anyway. More like the ones that live in the wild.

Yeah, so here's my essay:

Many people belive that hedgehogs and porcupines are the same thing. Those people are very wrong. Hedgehogs and porcupines are similaar in many ways, but have many differences at the same time.

First of all, the appearence of hedgehogs and porcupines is distinctly different, but they share some physical traits too. The size of the european hedgehogs is about the same size as a very small porcupine. But usually, hedgehogs are much than porcupines and range in sizes from five to sixteen inches. Porcupines,on the other hand, are on average twenty-eight inches long, full grown. The color of both a european hedgehog and a porcupine is about the same dark brown color. Different type of hedgehogs are different colors, so there are a variety of hedgehog colors. Porcupines, however are usually only dark brown. One of the biggest similarities between them is that they both have quills. Hedgehog quills are different from thosse of a porcupine, because they are usually much shorter. They also start at about the forehead, go across the back of the hedgehog, and stop before the tail. For a porcupine, hte quills are moch longer, and they grow all over the porcupine except for its belly.

The appearence of them isn't the only way to tell a hedgehog and porcupine apart. They also can live in different places. Althogh they both can live in the forest, hedgehogs also live in other places, such as African deserts, while porcupines live primarily in the forest. Hedgehogs and porcupines are also both nocternal, and sleep in hidden places. Porcupines prefer sleeping high up in trees, while hedgehogs sleep in burrows or bushes. They both eat what they can find for edible vegitation. In addition to that, hedgehogs also eat allot of insects, slugs, and grubs. Porcupines are herbivores, so they do not eat bugs.

The danger and defense of hedgehogs and porcupines can also compare and contrast. They can both be very dangerous to any creature that they see as a threat to them, although porcupines tend to do more damage to the predator than hedgehogs. Hedgehogs curl up in a little ball, pulling their skin tight, making every single pointy quill stand on end. Porcupines havve quills that easily deatch, and they can slap their tails against predators, causing quills to stick into the skin of the attacker. One other major difference that most people overlook is the fact that hedgehogs and porcupines aren't even in the same family. Porcupines are rodents because how their jaws and teeth are built. Hedgehogs are actually rodent-looking insectivores because they eat bugs and their teeth are made for more heavy-duty work.

Hedgehogs and porcupines have many ways to tell them apart. But even though there are many differences, it isn't very hard to tell why some people might mistake them for the same type of animal.

So... It's not really my best, but I kinda wrote it late at night. Well now you know the difference between hedgehogs and porcupines (if you even read it).
I only had to look up some of the information about porcupines. All of the hedgehog information I already knew.



So, which one is cuter? Hedgehog for me. The picture of the porcupine was the cutest porcupine picture I could find.


-Some Random Kid With No Life

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hatchet! Argh!

About an hour after I put up the last post about my nerdyness, and my hatred for books they make me read in school, like Hatchet, I went to Barnes & Noble for the next book in the Maximum Ride series. When I was there, guess what I saw... You probably didn't actually guess, but whatever. Well, I saw a whole cardboard shelf thing of Hatchet books! Argh! Hate it! Hate it! Hate it! Then a couple minutes later, when I was walking back past the horrid shelf of Hatchet books to give it a nice death glare, I saw this girl, about my age run over to the shelf and she said something like, "Ooh! I love Gary Paulsen! Hatchet is his best book!"
Good for her, really. To have the patience to read that whole book, let alone like it was really something.
No offense to any Hatchet fans. I guess it's just a personal preference. I'm just on of the people who really didn't like it.


-Some Random Kid With No Life

School- UGH! So BORING!

Number of hours of sleep I got last night: 8.

Number of classes I fell asleep in: 5.
(Math, English, History, Spanish, and Study Hall)

This proves that just because I get all A's and am considered a nerd by just about everyone but my mother- yeah my dad thinks I'm a nerd too - doesn't mean that I love school and math and homework and tests. I actually don't usually finish my homework untill on the bus the morning it's due or in homeroom. I don't even study. Ever.

One thing I do like though, is reading. I actually love reading if it isn't some boring book for homework, like a couple years ago I had to read Hatchet. I skipped several chapters in the middle too, and it was still terrible. My favorite part was when Brian was stabbed by the porcupine. Go spiky friends! But hedgehogs are still better. Anyway, I hated the character, Brian. Actually he's the only character which makes it so much worse. We also had to read The Pearl by John Steinbeck. Hated that one too. It wasn't as bad as Hatchet was though. Well, yeah you get the point. I really love books when I can choose what book I want to read and when I can put the book away whenever I want.
Right now I'm reading the series Maximum Ride. I highly reccomend it. I'm almost halfway through book five. Good books.

Yeah, well, I mostly wrote this to prove that some nerds hate school too, but I kinda contributed to the other side of the argument when I started talking about books and reading... Oh well.


-Some Random Kid With No Life

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This Blog Really Isn't About Dancing Bananas...(how dumb would that be?)


Anyone who is reading this is probably gonna get pretty bored pretty fast. I don't really have anything to do right now except homework (ugh), and read. And blog, but isn't that what I'm doing now? And it's raining so it's not like I can even go out side to do homework or read or blog. Unless I want to get wet. Or struck by lightening. Which I really don't.

So uh, bye I guess!